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Visitors to the Chair

Silke Bothfeld

Silke Bothfeld, visiting researcher, 2008-09

Silke Bothfeld is a professor at the University for Applied Sciences, Bremen. She holds a doctorate in Political Science of the Free University of Berlin and a French-German diploma in Political Science from the IÉP Paris and the Free University of Berlin. Between 2002 and 2008, she worked for the Hans Böckler Foundation (Düsseldorf) and, between 1996 and 2002, at the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB). She was a visitor at the Center for Social Policy (ZeS) at Bremen University between November 2006 and December 2007. As a member of Bremen University’s team, she participated in the research network RECWOWE, coordinating a working group on « The impact of activation policies on social citizenship » with Sigrid Betzelt.
Her work focuses on comparative analysis of social policies (family, work), public policy analysis theory, in particular policy learning, gender-equality policy and female employment.

Recent publications:
    • Bothfeld, Silke, 2009," L’égalité des sexes dans le champ économique en Allemagne", forthcoming in Informations sociales no. 151 (January 2009).
    • Bothfeld, Silke 2008, Under (Re-)Construction – Die Fragmentierung des deutschen Geschlechterregimes durch die neue Familienpolitik. ZeS-Arbeitspapier Nr. 1/ 2008, Bremen. [Under (Re-)Construction - How German family policy reforms contribute to the fragmentation of the German Gender Regime].
    • Bothfeld, Silke, 2007, Die Entwicklung der sozialen Staatsbürgerschaft als Reformweg für den deutschen Sozialstaat, in: Niekant, R./ Rudolph, C., 2007, Hartz IV - Zwischenbilanz und Perspektiven, Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, S. 26-45. [Developing the social citizenship dimension – an option of reforming the German Social State]
    • Bothfeld, Silke/ Kuhl, Mara, 2007, Equal opportunity policy and feminist political science: the "invisible avant-garde" of governance research? Discussion Paper Nr. 202/ 2007, Social Science Center Berlin, [Download:].
    • Bothfeld, Silke, 2005, Vom Erziehungsurlaub zur Elternzeit. Politisches Lernen im Reformprozess, Frankfurt/M., Campus [From Parental leave to Parental time legislation – A case of policy learning ? - Thèse de doctorat]







Sylvain Lefèvre

Sylvain Lefèvre, visiting researcher, 2007-08


Sylvain Lefèvre is a doctoral candidate in political science at CERAPS, the Université Lille (France).  He is currently writing his thesis, "Mobiliser les gens, mobiliser l’argent:  les ONG au prisme du modèle entrepreneurial".  To analyse the use of retail practices (marketing and management) by associations and activists, his thesis combines an ethnographic inquiry and interviews with NGOs, fundraising agencies as well as local volunteers at Greenpeace and Handicap International.  Sylvain’s thesis also emphasizes the development of fundraising techniques that incorporate ‘direct dialogue’ (using professionals to solicit regular and automatic donations from individuals passing by), which have been adopted by numerous NGOs in France and will soon be by NGOS in Quebec.  Sylvain’s research covers the sociology of mobilization, the sociology of economics and the study of career and professional activists.

After completing his undergraduate studies at Sciences Po (Rennes, 2002) and his graduate studies at Science Politique (Lille, 2003), Sylvain worked as a research coordinator and monitor to graduate students (2003-2006) as well as temporary teaching and research assistant (Lille, 2006-2007).  From 2003 to 2006, he was a member of the research program "Actions collectives, mobilisations et militantismes" (IFRESI, CLERSE, CERAPS, Lille), consisting of sociologists, historians and political scientists working on political engagement in parties, unions and NGOs.

Recent publications:

- "Greenpeace : des hippies au lobby", Ecorêv (Revue d’Écologie Politique), Special number « Les figures de l’écologie politique », n 21, Automne 2005
- "Le sale boulot et les bonnes causes : institutionnalisation et légitimation du marketing direct au sein des ONG", Revue Politix, n 79, Septembre 2007 (forthcoming)
- With Sylvie Ollitrault, "Les pratiques militantes sous contraintes managériales dans les groupes locaux d’Handicap International.", Revue Sociologies Pratiques, n 15, "Des engagements sous contraintes. L’évolution des normes dans les collectifs volontaires", PUF, Octobre 2007 (forthcoming)
Web page:





David Paternotte

David Paternotte, visiting researcher, 2006-2007



David Paternotte is a researcher at the Centre de Sociologie politique de l’Institut de Sociologie of the Université libre de Bruxelles.  His research is funded by the Fonds national de la Recherche scientifique (Belgique).  It focuses on citizenship and processes of inclusion of members of minority social groups, as well as gender studies more generally (relations of gender and sexuality).  David is currently preparing his thesis, which focuses on the role of difference in processes of inclusion; it compares political discourse, above all, the political representation of women and the legal recognition of same-sex couples in Belgium, France and Spain.

Notably, David has published:

- "L’ouverture du mariage : un nouveau modèle d’inclusion ?", in Manon Tremblay ; Thanh-Huyen Ballmer-Cao ; Bérengère Marques-Pereira et Mariette Sineau (eds) (2007), Citoyenneté,représentationetgenre, Sainte-Foy : Presses de l’Universite Laval, 2007 (forthcoming) ;
- "Beyond the laws : marriage right, citizenship and inclusion models in Belgium", in: Anne Weyembergh; Sinziana Carstocea (eds). Gays’ and Lesbians’ Rights in an Enlarged European Union. Bruxelles : Éditions de l’Université de Bruxelles, 2006
- "Quinze ans de débats sur la reconnaissance légale des couples de même sexe", Courrier hebdomadaire du CRISP , n° 1860-1861, 2004





Francis Kessler

Francis Kessler, visiting researcher, Summer 2006



Francis Kessler is a lecturer of private law at the Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne (responsible for courses about social security law, comparative labour law, commercial law and social protection for enterprises).  Since 1987, he has been responsible for teaching courses about comparative social law (DESS droit et gestion de la protection sociale en France and en Europe; et maîtresse DEJA allemand) at the Université de Paris X Nanterre.  Since 2001, Francis has also been responsible for teaching at the Université de Gand department Rechten wakgreop sociaalrecht.  Since 1987, he has been responsible for teaching courses on German labour law and introduction to German law as well as rule-making for French-German affairs at the Université Robert Schuman de Strasbourg.

Some of his publications include:

Droit de la protection sociale. Paris, Dalloz, collection cours droit privé (2000)  2nd edition 2005.
Le droit du licenciement en France et en Allemagne PUS, Strasbourg (2001).
Droit et politiques sociales communautaires , avec J.P. Lhernould. Paris, Groupe Liaisons sociales (2003).
Code annoté européen de la protection sociale , Paris Groupe Revue Fiduciaire (2004)
He is a member of the editorial committee of two journals, Revue de droit sanitaire  et social (since 1987) and Lien social et politiques (since 2003).




George Ross

George Ross, visiting researcher, 2005-2006


George Ross is a professor of sociology and political science at Brandeis University, where he holds the Morris Hilquit Chair in Labor and Social Thought and is the director of the Center of German Studies.  He studied at Williams College, the London School of Economics, the Institut d’études politiques de Paris and Harvard University.  Former president of the European Union Studies Association (EUSA), George was the interim director of Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, executive director of the European Union Center at Harvard University and the president of the Council for European Studies (1990-97).  He has sat on several editorial committees, including French Politics, Culture and Society, Sociologie du travail, Revue d’intégration européenne and Comtemporary European Studies.

Some of his recent publications include:

European Politics In Transition, 5th edition, with Mark Kesselman, Joel Krieger et al., (Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 2005)
Euros and Europeans: Economic and Monetary Union and the European Model of Society, with Andrew Martin, ed. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004)
The Brave New World of European Labor, with Andrew Martin (New York: Berghahn Publishers, 1999)
Jacques Delors and European Integration (Cambridge, England and New York: Polity/Oxford University Press, 1995)







Fabien Desage

Fabien Desage, visiting researcher, 2005-2006

Fabien Desage, visiting researcher, 2005-2006

Fabien Desage has a doctorate in political science from Lille 2.  A member of the Centre de recherche administratives politiques et socials, Fabien thesis was entitled "Le ‘consensus’ communautaire contre l’intégration intercommunale.  Séquence et dynamiques d’institutionalisation de la communauté urbaine de Lille (1964-2003)".

His thesis focused on the atypical modes of government in inter-communal institutions in France, linking municipal representatives to the ensemble of partisan formations.  It takes a micro-sociological and socio-historical lenses to the institutionalization process in the urban community of Lille, covering its genesis brought about by reformers in the 1960s until its consolidation in the form of a ‘régime de «consensus»’, which was a term used by elected representatives to qualify inter-partisan accords.  The thesis sheds light on the practical conditions of domestication by the mayors of successive reform governments.  The ‘consensus’, far from leading to the reinforcement of the normative capacity of CUDL, consequently seems the principal vector of its maintenance under municipal dependence and in talks about democratic deficit.  During his post-doctorate, Fabien is interested in the evolutions of municipal governments in Montreal and the successive reforms of its political and administrative organizations, including recent mergers and de-mergers.

Fabien’s research interests include reform and metropolitan public policies, the changing dynamics and institutional integration of federal-type structures, the exchange conditions of political regimes of great coalitions and the processes of depoliticization of local public action.

His has recently published:  "Une commune résidentielle suburbaine en pleine campagne. Contraintes de notoriété, clôture des enjeux et disqualification sociale de l’adversaire", in Lagroye J., Lehingue P., Sawicki F., (eds), Mobilisations électorales, PUF/CURAPP, 2005 ; "La proximité pour s’isoler. Le chantier de modernisation des services à la communauté urbaine de Lille", in Le Bart C., Lefevre R. (eds), La proximité en politique : usages, rhétoriques, pratiques, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2005 ; (With Nicolas Bué) "L’intercommunalité contre la démocratie?", revue Territoires, n.  461, cahier 2, octobre 2005; (With Jérôme Godard) "Désenchantement idéologique et réenchantement mythique des politiques locales. Retour critique sur le rôle des idées dans l’analyse de l’action publique", Revue française de science politique, 2005, vol. 50, n. 4.







Éléonore Lépinard

Éléonore Lépinard, visiting researcher, 2005-2006

Éléonore Lépinard received her doctorate in sociology from the Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (Paris).  Her thesis, L’égalité introuvable. Stratégies de légitimation et mise en œuvre de la parité politique en France, considers debates within feminism and within the public space leading to the adoption of political parity.  Through a detailed analysis of the European genealogy of this idea as well as the positioning of feminist activists, intellectuals and politicians, Éléonore’s thesis enters into debates about reform and shows how the equal revindication, achieved between the tension of particularlism and universalism, between recognition of groups and individual representation, tried, without reaching that point, to transform the republican model.

During her post-doctorate at the Chair, Éléonore will begin a comparative study of the tensions between rulings in favour of the rights of women and of minorities in France and Quebec.  More specifically, she is interested in debates around Charia law in Ontario and about the veil in France.

Éléonore was a Fulbright Fellow at the Institute for Research on Women at Rutgers University in the United States (2003-2004).  Her research focused on gender and politics, more particularly quota policies favouring the political representation of women in a comparative lenses, as well as feminists’ claims-making strategies and anti-discriminatory policies.

Some of her recent publications include:

"Identity without politics: how cultural politics shaped the implementation of the sex-parity law in French local politics", Social Politics, International Studies in Gender, State, and Society, 2005; n. 39 of Cahiers du genre, "Féminisme(s): Penser la pluralité" (2005); with Laure Bereni, "La parité ou le mythe d’une exception française", Pouvoirs, 111, p.73-85, 2004; "‘Les femmes ne sont pas une catégorie’ : les stratégies de légitimation de la parité en France", Revue française de science politique, 54(1), février 2004.  Elle a également co-dirigé avec Agathe Gestin, Rose Marie Lagrave et Geneviève Pruvost un ouvrage collectif : Dissemblances, jeux et enjeux du genre, l’Harmattan, « bibliothèque du féminisme », 2002.





Marcos Ancelovici

Marcos Ancelovici, visiting researcher, 2005-2006

Marcos Ancelovici is a doctoral candidate in political science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (United States).  He is currently completing his thesis about the organizational and ideological transformations of the French left since the 1970s, specifically focusing on the debates and mobilization around globalization.  Marcos’ research is financed by the MIT Industrial Performance Center, the Center of International Studies at MIT and the Center of European Studies at Harvard University.

His interest in studying mobilization also led him to participate in the Globalization Project at the MIT Industrial Center (2002-2004).  During the course of this project, Marcos worked on mobilization in the electronic and textile sectors in the United States, Mexico and China.  At the same time, he completed the American part of an international study on globalization for an edited book organized by the MIT Industrial Performance Center and the Judge Institute of Management at Cambridge University (United Kingdom).  More generally, his research interests include the political sociology of organizations and institutions, social movements and political economy.

Principal publications:

Ancelovici, M. and S. J. McCaffrey. 2005. “From NAFTA to China ? Production Shifts and their Implications for Taiwanese Firms”. In S. Berger et R. Lester, éds. Global Taiwan : Building Competitive Strengths in a New International Economy ( Armonk , NY : M.E. Sharpe).
• Ancelovici, M. 2004. “Attac et le renouveau de l’antilibéralisme”. Raisons Politiques No. 16, p. 45-59.
• Ancelovici, M. 2002. “Organizing against Globalization: The case of ATTAC in France ”. Politics & Society Vol. 30 (3), p. 427-463.
Ancelovici, M. and F. Dupuis-Déri. 2001. “Charles Taylor”. In A. Elliott et B. S. Turner, éds. Profiles in Contemporary Social Theory (London: Sage).
Ancelovici, M. and F. Dupuis-Déri, éds. 1997. L’Archipel identitaire : Recueil d’entretiens sur l’identité culturelle (Montréal: Éditions du Boréal).




Kristoff Talin

Kristoff Talin, visiting researcher, 2005-2006

Kristoff Talin, visiting researcher, 2005-2006

Kristiff Talin has been a visiting researcher at the Department of Political Science of the Université de Montréal since August 2004. Kristoff obtained his doctorate in political science and was a researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France).  Over 15 years, he has analysed the links between religion and politics in Western countries.  Kristoff’s research increasingly considers the links between religious women and politics.  During the last several years, he has studied electoral behaviours and analysed public opinion in Europe and in a longitudinal perspective.  The manner in which public opinion about this can be measured and taken into account by European institutions constitutes the other part of his research.  In light of obvious failures – as the referendums in France and the Netherlands demonstrate – national governments and European organizations must increasingly take into account public opinion in policy-making.  This reality puts governing according to public opinion on the agenda.  The ensemble of his research consists of three parts:

  1. To promote analyses supported by political sociology, which privilege engaging European citizens in considering who they are, what they think and their relations to the European Union.  It is therefore about political sociology ‘by the bottom’, which is a useful compliment to those of elite decision-makers.
  2. To use quantitative methods to take into account comparatively the evolutions of public opinion.
  3. To make studies of value systems an explicative instrument, which is privileged in policy analysis and choice


Kristoff’s recent publications in political sociology include:

Belot, C, Talin, K, "Les élections européennes : la victoire de l'Euroscepticisme ?", Revue Politique et Parlementaire, juin-septembre 2004, N°1031, p. 40-54
Talin, K, "Une droite non gaulliste affaiblie" ,Revue Politique et Parlementaire, n°1020-1021, 2002, p. 117-132


Inés Picazo

Inés Picazo, visiting researcher, September 2004-July 2005

Inés Picazo, visiting researcher, September 2004-July 2005

Inés Picazo is currently a lecturer of political science at the Université de Concpcion (Chili) and associate researcher at the Centre de Recherche sur le Politique, l’Administration, la Ville and le Territoire de Grenoble (France).  Trained in labour law and political science, she completed her doctorate in political science at the Université Pierre Mendès France de Grenoble in 2003.

Inés obtained research contracts with the Institut d’Études Politiques de Grenoble, the Institut d’Études d’Iberoamerique et du Portugal de l’Université de Salamanque (Spain), the Centre d’Analyse de Politiques publiques de Santiago du Chili and the Faculté Latino-américianne de Sciences Sociales de Buenos Aires (Argentina).

Her principal areas of research include public policy, notably in relation to education, the reform of the State, the future of the welfare state, and the processes of government-union mediation in Latin American countries.

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